Jaboticaba 'Campo De Ramon' Fruit Plant
Jaboticaba 'Campo De Ramon' is a variety of jaboticaba from the Argentinean town of Campo Ramon in the state of Misiones. It has only recently been introduced to Americans. Trees provide tasty fruits, have wavy leaves, and bear their fruit early. Due to its small leaves and growth pattern, Campo de Ramon provides a great variety of bonsai.
The globose, ripe fruits are dark purple and contain 1-4 tiny seeds. The pulp may be pinkish in hue and taste maraschino cherry-like with Sabara Jaboticaba undertones. Sabara Jaboticaba is believed to grow more slowly than Campo de Ramon.
Common Name: Campo Ramon
Botanical Name: Plinia SP
Bloom Time/Fruiting: 3 to 4 Years